River Blackwater

River Blackwater, Co. Kerry

Description: The Kerry Blackwater is a small spate river and usually only fishes well when there is or has been a rise in water. There is a small run of spring salmon from March but this river is really know for its prolific The Flats Blackwater River Animatedrun of Grilse from June to September.

In recent years Seatrout have been making a strong return and fish in excess of three pounds have been caught. Brown trout whilst present are not huge, the river being very acidic, but fish to1.5lb can be had if fished for with stealth.

Catch: Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout

Location: The Blackwater River can be found midway between Kenmare and Sneem, on the southern side of the Iveragh Penisular where runs out at Blackwater Harbour.

Season: 17th March 30th September

Cost: Day tickets are now available at the Blackwater Tavern when the fishery hut is not attended. Day ticket fishing starts at 09:00 until 12:00 midnight. €45.00 per day.

Methods: Fly, Spinning and worming. Prawns at the Fishery Managers discretion.

Fly and Spinner, and Bait: SALMON, Low water: Ballynahinch Badger, Blue Charm, Black Pennel, Stoats Tail, Silver Stoat, Silver Badger, Willie Gunn #10 -12# singles/doubles, light tubes.

High Falling Water: As above but in sizes #6 – #10, plus Shrimp patterns with dark red in dressing. Waddingtons and heavier tubes up to 3 inches with bright colours. Spinning using black or red Flying C’s. Some anglers use Rapalas from 4 to 6 inches, but I have seen more fish caught on the F.C. especially across the lip of weirs and falls.

SEA TROUT, Low Water daytime: as above plus Teal, Blue & Silver, Teal & Black, Invicta, Silver Doctor, Peter Ross, River Olive, #10 – #14.

SEA TROUT, Night: Most of the above plus The Sunk Lure, Teiffy Terror Tandem, fished deep. Or large wake flies such as Muddler Minnows.

BROWN TROUT: Although this river is not recognised as a brown trout river, I have had great fun fishing for brownies on some of the flats and sharps in low water, when all else is not moving, with a small dry Adams or Blue/Grey Winged Olive Duns early in the year and later with Sedge patterns such as small sedgehogs and daddy’s