Lough Deriana

Catch: Salmon, Brown Trout & Sea Trout.

Lough Derrianna

Lough Derrianna

Location: The Loughs of Na Mona, Cloonaghlin, Derriana, Iskanamacteery and Capal are all mountain lakes situated on the Waterville/Currane catchement that all drain through Lough Currane and into Ballinskelligs Bay.

Description: All three lakes hold Brown Trout, Seatrout and Salmon. The Spring Salmon arrive in February and the grilse arrive in June.  The Large sea trout arrive in April followed by the Juiors or finnock around June.  Many salmon and seatrout will run up to thhe upper lakes quite early and these will have a good head of stock by early June.  Salmon run to arround 16lb with a few larger fish caught each year ane each year specimin sea trout of between 6lb and 14lb are taken.

Derianna holds some of the the best brown trout in Kerry with fish from 1/2 lb to 6lb.

These lakes are true mountain Loughs and the weather can change rapidly and catch you out. Ensure you take adequate safety precautions, clothing and equipment etc.

Season: Salmon fishing is between January 17th – September 30th, while Sea trout are taken between January 17th – October 12th.

Cost: Enquiries on the fishing can be provided by the Butler Arms Hotel, Waterville, Tel: 066-74156.

Methods: Fly and spinning